Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Hill of Doom....and thats just half of it!

This is the right side of the hill. What you see planted is $150 worth of shrubbery. I'm gonna run out of money, like tomorrow.
Here is more to the left. The dirt is already starting to slide down, so we figure the best bet is to plant up high, and work our way down. But we'll run out of money before that happens.
This is the tallest part. The entire thing goes all the way behind the house. We won't even talk about the sod. Donations, anyone? Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

atlgirljj said...

Is it totally vertical? (why did that sound 80's?) Can you stack railroad ties against it and plant just the top, or is there a bit of slope to it?

Did you ask the landscapers for suggestions? They probably know what to put so it won't all come down.

Otherwise, do what Betty and Wilma do: Chaaaaaaaaarge it!