This is the cat I want to keep. He's ugly with bug-eyes. I love him.

And he kicks ass too. Sandy/Simba's ass to be specific. Go get him, Tiger! (I'm not naming him Tiger. That was just to be funny. Laugh now.)

Dixie is on patrol. Any kittens in her way? There better not be.

Awwwww....... there he is. They've all moved to the basement stairs. He's curling up with the other cat-who-has-no-name. Or home. Someone take him, please.
Or what was it they were called? Mogwai or something? He looks like one of the Gremlins from the movie. The movie that I think of EVERY FREAKING CHRISTMAS even though I don't want to remember the girl's father dying and stinking in the chimney.
Actually, that cat looks like it died and was buried in the 'Pet Sematary' and came back not quite right.
SO I change my vote of what to name him to Gabe.
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